Back to-School in 2022 – Hallways of Hope

It is no secret that the pandemic has drastically impacted education systems across the globe. The Honduran Education sector was one of the hardest hit in the world. Few populations in the world have suffered more because of the pandemic than Honduran children and youth. In fact, according to UNICEF, Honduras was the last country in all of Latin America and from what appears to be, the entire world, to go back to in-person learning.
The gradual return to in-person, face-to-face learning is now a reality and at Jubilee Centers International we are thrilled to be ‘back in school.’
9th Grader, Carlos David Soto shares, “It feels great to be here, it feels like coming home!!! Everything is so nice, the classrooms, the hallways are just like I remembered. And since we are still facing this pandemic, my advice is to always make good use of your mask and wash your hands frequently and to use the hand sanitizer.”
“I am very happy, now that I can socialize with my friends again, express myself and participate more in my classes. The truth is it’s much more motivating to learn new things now that I am no longer in front of a screen all the time, I feel freer!” Luis Mondragon, 9th Grader.
“Now that I am back to in-person classes, I hope and wish to learn more. I believe that learning is easier when we can be at school and we must commit ourselves to be better students.” Jady Arias, 8th Grader.
“I am very excited to go back to face-to-face classes, the topics are easier to understand because the classes are more interactive.” Obed Romero, 9th Grader.