Honduras is the only Latin American country that celebrates National Bible Day. The President of the National Congress, Romualdo Bueso Peñalva, made it a Legislative Decree in 1987. Honduras celebrates with church parades and culminates with special events. It is always held on the last Sunday of September.
For Jubilee, celebrating the word of God is not just another school event, it is daily life for our students and teachers. We teach our students to always turn to the Bible.
Every year we celebrate the privilege of having the freedom to have a Bible. We study Biblical characters with our students, reading, and memorizing verses and learning their historical timeframe within the Bible.
We also have a special Bible Month celebration with a special events organized by our Bible teacher, Ms. Gabriela Arévalo.
“During Bible class each grade chooses a biblical character to study their history and relationship with God. The younger grades chose one of their classmates to represent their chosen character, they dress as the character and share the story with classmates during Children’s Worship..
Our first and second graders chose a beautiful song to remind us that the Bible is “a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.” The Third graders surprised us by reciting the 66 books of the Bible from memory. Our 4th graders taught us that the Bible is ‘bread that feeds our soul’ in addition to other symbols represented in the Bible.
Within the older grades, one student is picked from each class to compete in a Biblical tournament, with questions and answers about the men and women of the Bible. Medals and diplomas are awarded to each one for their effort and desire to treasure the Word of God. It is always a time of great joy, praise, and learning” shares Ms. Gabriela Arévalo, Bible Teacher.
Pastor David Romero encourages Jubilee’s staff to always teach our students using God’s Word. He reminded the students that by learning the Word of God we will be wise; we will know God and His will. Our desire is that Jubilee students love and treasure the Word of God and put it into practice. And above all, that they have the passion to share it with their family. “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105