Jul '24

Celebrating Our Founders: Love and Faith
Jul '24

We are thrilled to celebrate the anniversary of our founders and pastors of the Jubilee Church. Their love and dedication, inspired by the Lord, have been the cornerstone of this beautiful ministry we cherish today. “The love that springs from two people can impact hundreds of lives and, in turn, the entire world.”
In 2009, our founders arrived in Honduras, married and with a mission from the Holy Spirit to transform the community of La Era. They met again Ms. Claudia, now our first-grade teacher, leading a struggling kindergarten named Mi Viña. Guided by the Lord, they saw this as the land to plant a garden of spiritual fruits and love.

By 2010, the first grade was established, marking the beginning of what we now know as Jubilee. Ms. Claudia recalls, “From the start, I saw Christ’s love in them and how the Lord has graciously moved since then.” Pastor David often said, “When we are many,” a testament to his faith that now flourishes in a dedicated staff serving the Lord passionately.

Ms. Keyla shares, “I see Pastor David and Mrs. Emily as marriage role models, showing how center the Lord first sets an example for us single women to entrust our lives and future marriages to God’s will.”
Love is one of the things that most characterizes our Lord. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8. We can see how the pastoral family has devoted themselves to the families of the children and the teachers with tireless love.

As Principal Yeni notes, “We see the fruits of the Spirit in them—wisdom in Mrs. Emily, patience in Pastor David, and their hallmark mercy. It brings me joy to learn from them.”
We congratulate and thank the Lord for allowing us to witness His work through a couple that has grown into a ministry impacting countless lives.