CJI celebrates and shares with students showing the Love of Jesus

Jesus is the best and perfect example of love. Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus showed the love he had for others as he blessed and served the poor, the sick, the needy, and the afflicted. On this occasion, celebrating February 14, the authorities of the International Jubilee Center brought a blessing to all the students who received a useful school kit. The expressions of gratitude on the part of the students did not wait… here are some of their words:

I am very happy, very grateful to God and to the pastors, this kit will be very helpful to me, I have taken care of and will continue to take care of everything they have given us. It is very blessed! My desire is to go back to school, although I still feel a little scared due to COVID but I have learned how to take care of myself, my commitment for this year is to improve in everything, fulfill my responsibilities and always give excellence to God. (Lexia Osorto, 6th Grade student.)

I wish that God bless the pastors, I am very happy to have received this gift, I love these materials, they will help me to continue learning, I also really liked coming to school, I already want to go back to face-to-face classes because I feel that I learn more than virtually. In addition, I like to share with my classmates and teachers. (Maryorie Gomez, 3rd grader)

“I am very happy with the notebooks and pencils that the pastors gave me, I wish that God bless you very much, they will help me to continue learning. And I hope that soon we will return to school.” Oliver Suazo, 2nd Grade student.


“I feel very good and I thank the institution for this beautiful gift, coming to school to bring it fills me with happiness because I was able to see my teachers and my classmates, I have missed them a lot and I want to return. I will always take care of myself by wearing the mask and washing my hands.” Nazareth Elvir, 4th grade student.


“Through these details God shows me how much he loves me, I am very grateful to God and to the pastors, they are super special” Merary Matute, 4th Grade.


“It is so beautiful to go back to school, I am very grateful for every detail that Jubilee gives us, it makes us feel loved by God. These materials and the notebooks for homework agendas will be very useful to me”, Waleska Moreno, 6th Grade.

“More than saying thank you, I wish that God continues to bless this ministry, since they are too special with each one of us, my wish is to return to face-to-face classes, I hope that it will be soon but we must always maintain and continue to put into practice the measures of biosafety.” Abigail Ramirez, 7th Grade

There is no doubt that through these activities our motto verse 2022 “We are the light of the world” Matthew 5:14 is put into practice. Because if we are light we also show it by loving others. Loving God is an attitude that implies will and commitment, that is, projecting the love that he gives us through our daily actions.                                                         
