Aug '21

Knowing and loving Jesus through Bible Class – A conversation with our Bible Teacher
Aug '21

But since Jubilee began, not only the students receive the Word of God, entire families have come to know the Lord and be transformed by Him. “As a Bible teacher at Jubilee, I consider that it is of greatest importance to strengthen our students spiritually; it is much more than giving a class, but more importantly, what is learned touches their hearts and can be applied in their lives. During this year we have learned from various men and women of God who inspire us to live a life that pleases the Lord.” Gabriela Arévalo, Bible teacher.

“Through the story of Nicodemus, we have learned about the importance of being born again. The children listened very attentively to this story, answering the question, how can we be born again? By believing in Jesus as our Savior!” Miss Arévalo.
In each teaching, the children use their creativity, color puppets to remember the story, and sometimes they make a craft to memorize the key verses.
“During another class, we enjoyed the story of Ana and Samuel, remembering the importance of prayer, which is our direct communication with God where we can speak and He listens to us and responds, like a conversation on the phone. During class we built our own prayer phone, so that we would never forget that if we talk to God through prayer He listens to us and answers, just as God answered Hannah’s prayer and gave her son Samuel.”

It is worth mentioning that parents are often in the virtual classes providing ideas and helping younger children with crafts. Through the making of handcrafted cards students also learned the 10 commandments. Likewise, together they decided to obey God’s law, even though the world tells us not to.
And it is in this way that our beloved students have learned to know Jesus as our Provider, our Peace, our Healer, and much more, remembering that Jesus remains the same today and always as Hebrews