Sep '23

Meet Belinda Andino – An exuberant example of love and compassion
Sep '23

Our beloved sister Belinda Andino has been the Administrative Secretary at Jubilee for 10 years. Her sisters told the pastors that Belinda was looking for work at the time. Since Pastor David had known Belinda for many years and was aware of her administrative and accounting experience, he called her right away for an interview. God had already planned for her to be a part of the Jubilee family!

“My family has received many blessings from Jubilee. Besides the daily bread that comes from my work, Jubilee has also helped me with my oldest daughter, who has been very rebellious. But I know that the Lord is working in her life, and I try to educate her, trusting the Lord is doing the work. I know that my children and my husband will be together in heaven on the day that the Lord comes.
“Her two younger children are in 5th and 6th grades at Jubilee while her oldest daughter, once a student here, now is in her first year at the University. Because of her job at Jubilee, Belinda shares that she and her husband have been able to purchase land in La Era and build a small home.

She shares that what most impacts her about Jubilee and that she enjoys being a part of it is that the gospel, the word of God, is preached, and this seed germinates and bears fruit in its time.
“I want to show love. From the moment someone comes into the office, I can express to them that they can trust me to tell me anything, whether good or bad, and they should not be afraid to tell me. I also want to be able to share the word of God with them.
We thank God for our sister Belinda. She is always smiling and affectionate with everyone, with a desire to help. Belinda is the most timely example of showing love, of being kind and benevolent to everyone, from the smallest of our students who come to her window to greet her every day, to the parents who come to talk about administrative matters. Our sister is always ready and willing to preach about Christ. She inspires us and encourages us to persevere in the Lord.
Her desire and prayer for the young people and children of Jubilee is that “they all surrender their hearts to the Lord, and above all else, guard their hearts for the Lord, because from him comes life, and if they have God in their hearts, they have everything. If they lack him, they lack everything.”

Her prayer request is “That the Lord give me the strength to carry out the work here in the ministry and also at home. There are days when I feel like I don’t want to come and stay home, but my greatest desire is to always work for Christ.
We are very grateful for the great heart, charisma, and dedication that Sister Belinda shows to everyone at Jubilee and to God, always to glorify the Lord!