MEET DIANA!! She dreams of being a pediatrician to help people in need!

Diana Sofía Reyes Galeas, a Fourth-Grade student at Jubilee shares, “I started at Jubilee in kindergarten when I was 4 years old, the same year that we moved to La Era, near where the school was being built. We stopped to ask if there was an opening at the school and there was! I feel proud and I thank God for all the people who make this ministry come true. Now I am 9 years old and I feel very happy to continue here.”
Her face reflects the love she feels for the ministry, and her hope is to see Jubilee continue to grow. “Jubilee is a blessing for me and my family. I love the facilities, the patios, the treatment of the teachers, the love of God they teach us, the fellowship among my classmates. I would love to see the school with a playground, for recess, a science laboratory, to give us more hours of English, and to be able to graduate from High School at Jubilee.”
Diana’s dream is “to be a pediatrician in order to help people in need I hope to earn a medical scholarship to study abroad and then return and help my parents to take care of them when they are older, and help my country. I know that, with God’s help, I can do all things. I also want to employ other people, I want to have my family, a good husband, and always God in my heart “
While Diana has always stood out for being a student of academic excellence, receiving many awards and medals, she is also a girl who dedicates part of her time to helping her mother with household chores. She tells us that she is very organized on a daily basis to be able to fulfill her assignments. “Every day I wake up and I thank God for this new opportunity. I do my homework at home and then I get ready for classes, when I have a lot of homework my mom tells me to not worry about the chores. I love doing my homework, the days I have classes I get up very motivated and prepare my space, although in this time of pandemic everything is a little more difficult, I strive to continue to be outstanding. I dream of the day we go back to school, to be able to share, live those magical moments and hug each other again!”