Christmas Traditions in Honduras!

As Ms. Claudia Valladares, our 5th grade teacher, said, “For my family, the most important thing is to spend time together. We attend church to worship our Savior and celebrate His birth because this is the most important reason for the Christmas season.” Our 1st grade teacher, Ms. Karol Soto, agreed with that and added that on Christmas Eve, after church and before sitting down to a big meal together at midnight, she and her family take time to pray and give thanks to God for the many blessings of the year.
Ms. Claudia Velasquez, our Kindergarten teacher, shared that the first thing her family does to get ready for Christmas is to decorate the Christmas tree and put up nativity scenes around the house.
Several of our teachers also mentioned the foods that are often served for the midnight meal including ribs, stuffed chicken, salads, and nacatamales. “We absolutely can’t go without nacatamales,” exclaimed Ms. Velasquez!
Just as in the United States, in Honduras, there are certain traditional Christmas desserts. Ms. Laura Osorio, our Academic Coordinator, was nearly drooling with anticipation as she talked about the torrejas baked with milk and honey (similar to bread pudding or French
toast), ayote con miel (like acorn squash cooked with brown sugar and cinnamon), and rosquillas con miel (think of a cornmeal doughnut soaked in a cinnamon and clove infused syrup). Is your mouth watering yet?! Of course, the main joy in the eating of this delicious food is getting to share it with family and the opportunity for conversation while preparing, serving, and cleaning up after it! Once the work is done, it is time for some fun! Ms. Valladares said that her family enjoys watching movies and singing karaoke while Ms. Osorio’s family enjoys staying up late playing board games. After such a grand fiesta, we might suppose we’ll be ready for a siesta!
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!