Middle School Miracle Construction in Progress!

Every day generous gifts to Jubilee’s Middle School Miracle Campaign continue to allow us to build and get closer to the finished spaces we can’t wait to begin using!
When we purchased the land next to our original piece of property, we were so thankful and excited to have found so much empty land in one place, in the heart of La Era! Of course when we bought this additional piece of property that was a steep slope, we knew that building on it would take a heroic effort!
Since larger properties in a densely populated urban neighborhood like La Era are very difficult to find, we were thrilled with the prospect of having two big properties next to each other having the plan of making one large campus that will Lord willing, someday in the not very distant future, house students all the way from PreK to 12th grade!
Because this Middle School Construction project is being erected on a steep slope, we needed to build a 22 feet high retaining wall that would allow us to expand our property 50 feet outwards. Thankfully, due to Honduras’ rugged and mountainous terrain, Hondurans are very well versed in how to build on slopes like ours
Not having in-person learning at school has been very sad and so challenging for staff, students and families, HOWEVER, the one large benefit of this situation, has been that we are able to do the building project without any space limitations or restrictions for student’s safety since currently there are no students on campus.
Another way Jubilee’s construction project has proven to already be a very tangible blessing in the community is the fact that we are able to employ 15 construction workers full-time! Many of these men are fathers or family members of Jubilee’s students and many have shared that if it weren’t for this opportunity they would be without work given how difficult it is to find work right now in Honduras.
We are so grateful to the generosity of our supporters who have made this construction project a reality. We cannot wait to post future pictures of students back on campus, using these fully finished new beautiful spaces! The Lord continues to teach us patience!

- This slope seen is Jubilee’s property directly behind our original property. All the construction seen in this photo is part of the Middle School Miracle Campaign. The building to the left will be 4 stories high and contain office spaces, teacher work areas, the cafeteria, the science lab, and other classrooms. The retention wall will allow us to extend the property outwards on the same level as the rest of the school is situated upon. On this additional extension, we will build the chapel and the roofed soccer court.
- View of the furthest end of the property on this same level. Seen is the Retention wall, the dirt that has yet to be completely compacted, the new building, and the furthest corner of Jubilee’s original building to the left.
- Here you can see inside the 2nd level of the new building where dry wall is being placed for office divisions, including the main office where parents and visitors will be assisted.
- An internal staircase between the 1st and 2nd level of the new building. Painting has not yet been finished!
- In January of this year we were so blessed to finally be able to drill for our very own well! Every year, during dry season, we have major water shortages. Now the well, will allow us to also have physical water that will never run dry! The well is over 300 feet deep!