Mar '24

Transformative Experiences: A Week as Missionaries in Jubilee.
Mar '24

Imagine a week that transforms your life forever, where every moment is an opportunity to serve, learn, and grow in love. This is exactly what Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy experienced during their time in a mission team at the Jubilee Centers Internacional. Would you like to live a similar experience? Keep reading and discover how this week became an incredible life-changing experience!

From the moment they arrived, these brave missionaries immersed themselves in activities aimed at making a difference in the lives of the children of Jubilee. They played, taught, and shared God’s love, leaving an indelible mark on every young heart. For Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy, every shared smile and hug was a blessing.

“Jubilee is a school on a Hill, and my thought all year long was you are a light on that hill,” said Marla. “You shine so brightly that those of us who have been here always remember that light, and that is Jesus through you.” Learn more about her experience of coming for the second time.

“It’s touching to see people who have so little, yet are so giving with what they have,” said Sandy. “I think we in the United States, especially, can learn a lot from the people here.” Discover more about her wonderful journey.

Kathy shared, “We do projects, crafts, and then we talk to the kids about Jesus and how deeply Jesus loves them. And looking at their faces and seeing how closely they are listening, there are no words to describe it.” Watch her complete experience.

One of the most significant parts of this experience was the opportunity to reunite with children they had known since childhood and see how they had grown and thrived. Additionally, they had the privilege of exploring the rich Honduran culture, trying lots of Honduran food, enjoying traditional folk dances, and participating in moments of praise and worship to God during devotionals and worship services.

But the week was not only about activities with the children. They also had the opportunity to share fun moments and relaxation with the teachers and the Jubilee team, participating in activities such as team building games and experiences. They were impressed by the kindness and spirit of service of the Honduran people, despite the difficulties they live.
Most importantly, all these moments were with the purpose of glorifying Christ. Every act of love and every word of encouragement were a tangible expression of God’s love for those they served.

At the end of the week, Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy left filled with the Holy Spirit, with hearts overflowing with gratitude and joy. As they returned home, they carried with them precious memories and a fervent desire to come back very soon.
If God is calling to serve in Jubilee, join us in July 20 – 27 Mission Trip and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of others while glorifying Christ in everything you do. You won’t regret living a week as a missionary in Jubilee!